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Why Advertise in Coffee News?

  • Lock-Out Your Competition with Category Exclusive Advertising
  • Promote Your Business To Thousands Of People Every Week
  • Boost Your Recognition In Your Community
  • Save Thousands of Dollars In Advertising Every Year!

Your neighborhood business NEEDS neighborhood coverage, and there’s very little, if any, advertising media that allows you to target your advertising dollars so precisely, so frequently, so effectively at so much less cost. Coffee News® reaches the highest and most potent concentration of potential customers of ANY media — for a fraction of the cost!

Interested? It’s easy to find out more. Contact us and we’ll provide you with whatever information you need to evaluate how Coffee News might help your business or organization.

There Are Many BENEFITS To Advertising With Coffee News®:

– We offer repetitive advertising that is less expensive than other print media. Even small businesses can afford to advertise regularly. Repetition and consistency bring results!

– All ads are exclusive, which means no other company in your industry or profession can advertise while your ad is running.


– Your ad content can be changed at no additional cost via a phone call or email. This will keep your ad fresh and keep readers tuned in for more! You can change your ad content weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly if so desired!

– Your ad works for you three meals a day – seven days a week ensuring your ad is highly visible in your community.
Coffee News provides the repetition that is needed to establish buyer patterns — at a low cost!

– Coffee News® has a proven track record all over the world. Further, some advertisers remain on a waiting list for several years once they discover the kind of results that can be achieved through exposure in Coffee News.

– The ads are rotated every week to ensure each advertiser receives equal exposure. Small ads often are obscured in other print media because the big buck advertisers can afford better placement.

– Ads are 3″ x 2″ so no advertiser can overpower another by buying a much larger ad.

– Ads will always be displayed on either the front or the back- but never lost in the middle! No additional pages will be added to our paper! There is no reason to charge you extra for the additional exposure of your ad being on the front or back.

– Advertising in Coffee News® is complementary to other marketing and advertising strategies. Your radio or television commercial is replayed in the reader’s mind reinforcing your advertising message and improving results.

– Seasonal ad changes are included in the cost of your ad.

– Coffee shops and restaurants love receiving Coffee News®! They can offer their customers a high-quality, appealing, and enjoyable publication that entertains them while they’re waiting.

– We post a copy of our advertisers’ ads on our website and announce our new advertisers on our Social Media pages to our fans. This additional exposure is at no additional cost to you.

– Whenever possible we attend community events to not only promote the Coffee News® but also to help promote our advertisers too. We encourage our advertisers to provide us with promotional materials for us to hand out on their behalf. Again- this additional exposure is at no cost to you!

For more information about our ad rates & plans please contact us.

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